Visitor: 2743316

Business & Management

Diploma in Marketing


The Diploma in Marketing Management has been designed to enriching the theoretical and practical knowledge, enhancing the soft skills needed to be dynamic and novel marketers.


After completing this course, the student will be able to

  • Understanding principles of Marketing management.
  • Understanding principles of Marketing.
  • Identify the role of Marketing management in self and professional development of individuals.
  • Delivering competitive advantage through marketing
  • Marketing management in a global context
  • The changing role of digital technologies in marketing
  • Key marketing concepts and definitions
  • understanding the individual's responsibility to the society.

Curriculum Structure

1. Introduction to organizational behavior
2. Effective application of organizational behavior
3. The nature of diversity
4. Ethics and ethical behavior in organizations
5. The Organizational cultural context
6. Perception
7. Personality
8. The Nature and Dimensions of Attitudes
9. Motivational Needs
10. Positive Organizational Behavior
11. Self-Efficacy
12. Communication
13. Decision Making
14. Stress & Conflict in organizations
15. Power and Politics
16. Groups and Teams
1. Introduction to the Marketing
2. Core Marketing Concepts
3. Marketing Philosophies
4. Marketing Management Process
5. Scanning the Marketing Environment
6. Marketing Information systems
7. Consumer Behavior
8. Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning
9. Marketing Mix
10. New product development process
11. Product life cycle process
12. Managing products & services
13. Distribution of products
14. Managing Marketing Communication process
1. Introduction to the consumer behavior
2. The consumers decision making process
3. Consumer research
4. Market Segmentation
5. Consumer motivation
6. Personality and Consumer Behavior
7. Consumer Perception
8. Consumer learning
9. Consumer attitude
10. Communication and consumer behavior
11. Reference Groups
12. Family life cycle and consumer behavior
13. Social class and consumer behavior
14. The influence of culture on consumer Behavior
15. Cross cultural consumer behavior
1. An Introduction to Retailing
2. Building and Sustaining Relationship in Retailing
3. Strategic Planning in Retailing
4. Retailing Institutions by ownership
5. Retail Institutions by Store Based Strategy
6. Web, Non store Based Retailing
7. Identifying and Understanding Consumer
8. Trading Area Analysis
9. Site Selection
10. Retail Organization and Human Resource Management
11. Operations Management : Financial Dimensions
12. Operations Management : Operational Dimensions
13. Developing Merchandise Plans
14. Implementing Merchandise Plans
15. Financial Merchandise Management
16. Pricing in Retailing
17. Promotional Strategy
18. Establishing and Maintaining a Retail Image
19. Integrating and Controlling the Retail Strategy
1. Introduction to Marketing Research
2. Roles & types of research
3. Theory building
4. Research process
5. Research design
6. Measurement & scaling
7. Questionnaire & form design
8. Sampling & preparation of a research Proposal
9. Data collection
10. Data analysis
11. Data preparation
12. Analytical methods in data
13. Hypothesis testing
14. Reporting the findings
1. Introduction
2. Meaning & role of products
3. Product development through technological Innovations
4. Development new products
5. Test marketing
6. Managing product life cycle strategies
7. Technological life-cycle strategies
8. Managing product mix decisions
9. Branding & Brand development
10. Brand management
11. Developing marketing strategies for product manufacturing organizations
12. Commercialization new product
1. Nature of service
2. The nature of demand for services
3. A framework for service marketing mgt
4. Decisions on extended marketing mix
5. Service quality
6. Customer care and satisfaction
7. The role of service in the economy
8. The service concept and competitive strategy
9. Structuring the service enterprises
10. Managing service options
11. Quantitative techniques with service
1. Introduction
2. Practical & theoretical exposure to personality Theories
3. Business etiquette
4. Public speaking
5. Physical & mental fitness
6. Personal development
7. Leadership
1. Introduction
2. Types of marketing communication
3. Advertising
4. Personal Selling
5. Sales promotions
6. Public relations
7. Direct marketing
8. Integrated marketing communication Program
9. Situation Analysis
10. Analysing communication process
11. Objectives & budgeting for IMC programs
12. Developing IMC program
13. Monitoring IMC Program
14. Evaluation & control of IMC
1. Introduction to Global Marketing
2. The global marketing environment
3. The global Economic Environment
4. Social & Cultural Environment
5. The political ,legal and regulatory Enviornment of global marketing
6. Global customers
7. Global marketing Information systems
8. Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning
9. Global Marketing strategies
10. Creating global marketing programs
11. Global E-marketing
12. Managing the global Marketing program
1. Introduction
2. Hospitality marketing in the economy
3. The unique concepts and strategies in Hospitality marketing
4. Global trends in hospitality marketing
5. Managing customer loyalty programs
6. Professional selling
7. Internal marketing
8. Quality improvement
9. Technology in the sector
10. Major environmental concerns in hospitality Industry
11. Managing waste and rejects in the hospitality Business
1. Introduction to strategic management
2. Strategic management & marketing
3. Strategic & marketing analysis
4. Strategic direction in marketing
5. Environment analysis in strategic marketing
6. Strategic options
6 7. Strategic Choice
8. Strategic evaluation
9. Strategic implementation
10. Strategic control

How are the teaching sessions going at IBA?

  • Workshops
  • Simulations
  • Role-play
  • Case study analyses and problem-solving exercises
  • Reading textbooks and journals
  • Lectures and seminars including talks by guest Lectures
  • Class room discussions
  • Presentations and work on group and individual projects
  • Industrial visit

The qualifications necessary to register as a student to sit for this programm as below

(a) Candidates should have passed minimum of 3 approved subjects at the General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) Examination conducted by the Department of Examinations, Sri Lanka. or

(b) Candidates should have passed minimum of 5 approved subjects + credit pass for maths and English at the General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level) Examination conducted by the Department of Examinations, Sri Lanka. or

(c) Candidates should have Three year Experience + passed entrance exam (Open entry qualifications)

How to apply

If you are able to meet the entry requirements for this course you can download related application and fill all the details and post us.
